Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Exam technique in relation to presenting ideas at work

Yesterday I covered how dance competition can inform exam technique, today I cover how exam technique can inform selling an idea.

To recap, the best exam technique is to focus on getting the most marks as quickly as possible, and with the dance competition get in and get out. They both have a relationship with selling an idea. Get in make the pitch and get the key stuff out of the way then stop talking - let the audience engage with the idea. What I seem to face more often than not is carrying on, and just like in the dance competition, I create the risk of making mistakes - I've got my points - carrying on just risks tripping over.

Also one of the key points in an idea is for the other party to work with it and start to take it on board. Giving them a chance to comment and talk about their view is key.

I suppose that this is a long winded way of saying I should talk less and listen more.

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