Here is what creativity research over the past six years has found could influence your creativity at work. These have all be used as variables in survey based studies.
Attitudes towards creativity
Authoritarian Leadership
Behavioural integrity
Benevolent Leadership
Chinese culture
Climate for Creativity
Collaborative culture
Collective efficacy
Compensation systems
Creative performance
Creative Process Engagement
Creative role identity
Creative self-efficacy
Creative skills in organization
Creative time pressure
Creative work involvement
Cultural factors
Demographic factors
Educational Specialization Heterogeneity
Emotional intelligence
Employee participation
Encouragement for creativity
Environmental uncertainty
Expectations for creativity
External environment
Extrinsic motivation
Feelings of energy
Follower innovative behaviour
Group size
Group Type
Harmonious passion for work
Includes relationship between employee and supervisor
Individual conformity (or autonomy)
Information exchange
Innovative culture
Intention to think creatively
Intrinsic interest
Intrinsic motivation
Intuitive cognitive style
Job Autonomy/ Job control
Job challenge
Job characteristics
Job Characteristics
Job complexity
Job type/ characteristics
Knowledge sharing
Knowledge stock (TKM)
Knowledge utilization (TKM)
Leader-member exchange (LMX)
Learning orientation
Martial status
Meaningfulness at work
Motivational support
Need for achievement
Need for affiliation
Need for power
Network diversity
Network size
Network strength
Non-controlling leadership style
Openness to experience
Organizational cultural archetype
Organization size
Organization type
Organizational creativity
Organizational identification
Other factors
Perceived external prestige
Perceived organizational identity
Performance reward
Physiological availability
Polychronic tendencies
Positive Group Affective Tone
Positive psychological experiences
Prevention based behaviour
Proactive personality
Procedural justice
Professional Activity
Promotion based behaviour
Psychological empowerment
Psychological safety
Regulatory focus
Relational support
Relationship between peers
Relationship with customers
Relationship with employees (includes guanxi networks)
Risk propensity
Role conflict
Self-expectations for creativity
Social desirability
Stewardship behaviour
Strong tie networks
Strong tie networks outside team (includes outside team guanxi
Strong tie networks within team (includes within team guanxi
Structural empowerment
Structured processes (HRM)
Supervisory status/Rank
Support (or perception of) for creativity
Support for autonomy
Support for autonomy/centralization
Support for Creativity
Supportive culture
Supportive leadership
Systematic cognitive style
Task autonomy
Task conflict
Task feedback
Task identity
Task significance
Task variety
Tasks requiring creativity
Team age
Team centralization
Team Creative performance
Team creativity
Team diversity
Team emotional intelligence
Team formalization
Team life-cycle phase
Team trust
Team-member exchange (TMX)
Tenure in job
Tenure in team
Time pressure
Training strategies for creativity
Transactional leadership
Transformational leadership
Trust in employee loyalty
Trust in employee reliability
Uncertainty/ Role ambiguity
Value placed in formalization
Weak tie networks
A big thank you goes out from me to Excel for helping me manage this stuff!